
Rekoda CRUD application for Project35 SER AI🎙️

Introduction 🚀

The purpose of this web application in relation to our capstone project, Sentience, is to create a CRUD app to collect users’ voice samples to train the Speech Emotion Recognition AI and improve its in-game accuracy, as well as promoting our game Sentience (now known as TIMEline). Note: Sentience is a Unity-based game centering on mental illness with a unique feature—Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) powered by Python and Scikit Learn library)


Key Features 🌟

Architecture 🏗️

Demo 🎥

Next Steps 🚀

Stack Used 🛠️

This full-stack application is developed using Angular 8 for the front-end, Spring Boot with Spring Web MVC for the back-end REST Controller, and Spring Data MongoDB for interacting with the MongoDB database.

Closing Remarks 🌐

Project 35’s REKODA is a testament to our commitment to overcoming challenges and contributing to the realm of full-stack development. We appreciate your time and welcome any questions or comments. Thank you for joining us me this journey.